

OpenDNS makes the Internet experience safer, faster and smarter for you and everyone using your network.

1. OpenDNS is safer

OpenDNS can identify and stop sites trying to phish (steal) your personal information or money. The OpenDNS phishing protection works with all operating systems and browsers, and complements any other security measures already in use, such as a firewall and anti-virus software.

Here's what a blocked phishing site looks like for OpenDNS customers:

2. OpenDNS is faster

Most DNS servers on the Internet are slow. Your computer uses DNS every time you visit a website or send an email, so you want DNS to be blazing fast. Two things make DNS really fast: a big cache and a good network. We have both.

Not to brag, but OpenDNS caches are really big.

The bigger and better the cache, the fewer steps in the process, and the faster the Internet experience. Making the OpenDNS caches really big is part of how OpenDNS makes the Internet faster.

We're in your neighborhood, too.

Speed really matters. You make hundreds of DNS queries a day and every delay adds up. We built our network of OpenDNS caches at the major intersections of the Internet. This keeps us close to you, improving performance. (Interested in peering?)

3. OpenDNS is smarter

We all make speling mistakes.

We make corrections for common spelling mistakes, on the fly. That means when you are typing fast and type yahoo.cmo instead of yahoo.com you still get there. No annoying pop-ups or evil spyware installed because you made a typo. Things just work.


We're not perfect (yet) so when we can't fix your typo we take you to a page with a set of search results.

所以有兴趣的朋友可以试用一下Opendns ,也说说感觉如何, 只要把网络连接属性(TCP/IP协议属性页)中的主要DNS和次要DNS分别改成:




Welcome to OpenDNS!
Your Internet is safer, faster, and smarter
because you're using OpenDNS.
Thank you!


1 评论:

匿名 说...

it's me --- tenyeeee..

long time no see,man....

now your blog ih here,so how about

your milk- blog.....

anyway...good job.....